Unlike in the past years, I am celebrating my Christmas differently this year. When I got the results of my annual physical examination which was held last September, I was really surprised to see the results. Well, I was expecting that it will show I am obese and some possible diseases that I have due to my weight.
My results woke me up. I am Class III obese - the highest level or the morbidly obesity type. I am also hypertensive and already diabetic with sugar as high as 9 when the normal ranges 3-5 in the scale.
It was suggested that I visit an ophthalmologist since there was an error in refraction. I also needed to see an internal medicine doctor or an endocrinologist for further works. I was also suggested to do a not less than 150-minute moderate activity every week.
I was bit depressed looking back between September and December when I underwent the APE and the time that I learned the results. I almost killed myself then if I did not change the way I was eating and if I did not take my 15-minute walk during lunchtime. I wonder if I could still be tying here right at this moment.
But God did not need me yet to join him so I am here. So when I got the results, within that week, I seek an ophthalmologist and internal medicine doctor specializing in hypertensive in Manila Adventist Hospital. They were both surprised with my APE results. My error in refraction was brought about by my high sugar. And would you believe, my BP then went as high as 160-90 which is too abnormal for the usual-low-BP me.
So I was given two kinds of medicine - one for my BP and other one for my diabetes. I need to control both and asked to come back after two weeks for another lab results. My next blood works and check up would be a three days after New Year's celebration. Oh my let us see then.
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